Reservations made & paid!


93d16d3559f1a27a9d3d2857000643dcToday I purchased my airline tickets, and made hotel reservations for my upcoming trip to Sweden. I am very excited! I depart on 2 February 2018.

This trip is very special to me, because I only recently learned about my Swedish heritage. It’s a very long story, but basically–in September 2017, I discovered that I am adopted after finding a DNA match on with one of my three full biological sisters. Until September 2017, I never knew I was adopted because my adoptive parents selfishly kept this vital information from me. I was 40 years old at the time, so it was a very shocking and life-changing experience. One of the other things I learned from my DNA is that I am predominantly English, German and Swedish (I was raised believing I was Italian, Greek and Ukrainian). I’ve been to England and Germany multiple times, but I’ve never visited Sweden. I’ve always wanted to visit Scandinavia,  but never had a good excuse to do so–until now!

On this adventure, I will be traveling alone by choice. I have three young children, and there is no way I could bring them on this trip with me and enjoy it; it just wouldn’t happen. My oldest child is eight years old and my youngest just turned three. I can honestly say that in the past eight years, I’ve not slept straight through the night once–that is not an exaggeration. I am looking forward to the solitude and (relative) quiet this adventure will bring. Honestly, I need this adventure to reignite the parts of me that burned out from the chaos & events of 2017.

kirMy visit will be brief–just one week. I depart from New York on Friday night, and arrive in Stockholm the following morning. After a few days in the city, I will fly north to Kiruna, where I will drive to a guesthouse in Abisko for three nights. This is approximately 120 miles north of the Arctic circle. Many who know me will find this funny, because I am always cold, yet I’m choosing to go there in the middle of winter. What can I say, I like challenges! Ha! Anyway, Abisko is where I will (hopefully) see the northern lights–I am beyond excited for this experience. I can’t imagine what it will be like to see them in person. I am also excited for the opportunity to meet other travelers and locals, and make new friends. The guesthouse in Abisko (feels weird to call it a “hotel”) also has Huskies, so I’m really looking forward to meeting them and hopefully getting lots of doggie kisses from them. Next, I will fly back to Stockholm for the remainder of my visit. I really wanted to take the overnight train to or from Abisko, but since my visit isn’t that long, I didn’t feel like I had enough time to dedicate to the 14-16 hour train ride. I really wanted to do it… Maybe next time!

abba-museum-stockholmSome of the things I’m most looking forward to in Stockholm include sailing with great views of the city with Swedish adult beverages (including glogg), a private tour of the city, visiting the Nobel museum, Stockholm city hall, dining at a few notable vegetarian restaurants in the city, and of course, the ABBA museum. Technically, it’s called ABBA The Museum (visit site). How could I visit Stockholm and not go there?! Ha! The museum also offers classes for children and adults, and even has their own app. During my visit, there will also be a temporary exhibit about guitars.

Anyway, this entire site will be dedicated to my trip, and other things related to traveling in Sweden and nearby destinations. This is also where I will share my photos from Sweden. I hope you will enjoy!
